The globalisation of hurling is in full flow. And we're all for it but we do need to point a few things out.
At this stage we've all seen the various reactions to hurling on Twitter feeds and whatnot from those that are not lucky enough to be brought up with the game. And although we obviously don't blame them, the international viewers really haven't got a clue.
However, that's not to say they're not willing to have their say and inevitably they tend to resort to some tried and tested clichés.
It's a death trap
Watching this All Ireland Hurling Final on Sky Sports. How are people not killed playing this game?! Are there any rules? Wow
— Neil Maxfield (@NeilMaxOfficial) September 7, 2014
There's nothing like a bit of exaggeration to spice up a sport. And plenty of hurling virgins think that the fellas with the sticks are taking a fatal risk by playing the game. Anyone with that mentality definitely wouldn't cut it on a cold night in January.
It's murder
The phrase 'pull hard into him, he's no relation' is a world away from this accusation. Nothing wrong with getting stuck in with a few physical exchanges. And don't worry we have bandages for the blood.Calling hurls 'sticks'
All Ireland hurling final on Sky Sports now, or "the mental Irish game with sticks" if you prefer — Martin Wickham (@Martin_Wickham) September 7, 2014
In some Irish dialects, you'd be burned at the stake for even referring to them as hurleys so imagine how they would react if they heard someone call them sticks? Other Twitter clowns committed the offence of calling them bats.
Confusing it with quidditch
There's a good game of quidditch on sky sports right now. An all Irish final too.
— Phil Russell (@Boro_Monkey) September 7, 2014
Quidditch is a fictional game from a children's book. Hurling is neither fictional nor aerial based. It involves players using HURLS to score more points and goals than the opposition. There is also the complete absence of chasing a winged ball to automatically win the game. Other horrifying misrepresentation of hurling include hockey and lacrosse.
Confusing sliotars with baseballs
Why would you want to be a goalkeeper in hurling?? Last ditch tackles and baseballs smashed at you #AllIrelandFinal — Tom Weiner (@Tom_Weiner) September 7, 2014
There is a reason that the sliotar is considerably lighter than a baseball. I tried hitting a baseball with a hurl when I was young once. The bones in my wrist vibrated for a while and I did not make the same mistake twice.
Classifying it as 'Irish Hurling'
If the Jays are giving you a headache head down a channel to watch some Irish hurling. It will numb the pain.
— Joshua Kloke (@joshuakloke) September 10, 2015
I don't know why but some people feel the need to call it Irish Hurling even though it is the only type, thus rendering this 'Irish Hurling' term virtually useless.
'It's like soccer'
Hurling seems to be part soccer, rugby, field hockey and best of all baseball fungo hitting. Wild — Guy Yerama (@guyyerama) September 10, 2015
You could tolerate the other hybrid comparisons but this one crosses the line.