The Web Summit brings some very interesting things to Dublin every year. Arguments about traffic and wifi aside, there's tech geniuses, Rio Ferdinand and everything in between. One of the more intriguing things is the propensity for some spray painted sheep to appear in the middle of the RDS.
Most people would see the sheep and think of it as those tech heads being a bit kooky for the fun of it. Sean O'Brien is not most people, he looks at the sheep and sees an opportunity. For too long, he's been domiciled in Dublin 4 without any reminder of his real passion. However, it seems the sheep have given him a brainwave.
A new era of farming is coming to Dublin. Sean O'Brien is going to be sticking livestock on ever patch of green grass this side of the M50. Except he's not, because he's not allowed. He's just a rugby playing farmer at the end of the day, it's not as if he's a freeman of the city of Dublin.
However, he does know someone who is. Brian O'Driscoll was made Freeman in March of 2014 and with that title he was given some special privileges. Despite his obligations to join a city militia, the only thing anyone really cares about is that fact that he's allowed to graze sheep on common ground in the city limits. Sean O'Brien may not have known that but O'Driscoll made sure he does now.
It was soon pointed out to O'Driscoll that Sandymount Prom probably would be included in the criteria but he's a freeman so we can't see anyone putting a halt to his plans. As for O'Brien, we'd suggest that a Champions Cup win and back to back grand slams might be enough for him to get the nod and those glorious privileges. Until then, he'll have to make do with the land in Carlow.
Big thanks to Maria Doyle for the heads up.