It's been over 20 years since The Truman Show hit cinemas but its relevance is seen now more than ever. The film's prescient view of the public's strange obsession with the private details of celebrities' lives rings true more today than it did at the time of the movie's release in 1998. It's also now available to stream on Netflix so there are a hell of a lot of people enjoying it of late.
It's an incredible movie in many different ways. It has predicted so much, most notably the onslaught of reality TV that took hold during the 21st century. Today, anyone with a social media account stars in their own reality show through tweets, Instagram photos and Facebook statuses. The Truman Show even envisioned the scope of product placement on TV that would be the case in years to come. Furthermore, The United States have a literal reality TV star as president.
Attention to Detail
Aside from its accurate predictions of a grim world obsessed with the ins and outs of strangers' lives, the attention to detail in The Truman Show is phenomenal. There are countless hidden easter eggs, tiny details and blink-and-you-miss-it moments that add something special to the movie. Twitter user and fan of The Truman Show, Marc Moran (@moranmarc13) pointed out the extent to which the film went to in terms of these intricacies. He put together a viral thread of tweets that show just how incredible the attention to detail is.
As you can see, the attention the detail is astonishing. Are there any other cool little details in The Truman Show that Marc missed?