'The Shortlist' is our new service at TheRewind.ie, compiling a public vote to rank all the top shows available to stream across the different platforms right now!
Consider it the menu for your free time, helping you decide what to watch and showing you where to find it. But we want everyone's help. Take a look through the list of top shows below and upvote your favourite. The more votes a show gets the further up the list it will move, so everyone can help each other by recommending the best shows they've watched while also getting some ideas for what to move onto next!
How it works:
- Read through the list and click the green arrow to upvote your THREE favourite shows.
- You only get three votes so choose wisely
- The more votes a show gets the further up the list it moves
- We regularly look at vote and add in new shows to choose from
Vote below and check back in regularly to see what new shows have been added and to keep tabs on who's rising to the top of The Shortlist.