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Martin Scorsese Reveals He Is A Massive Fan Of Derry Girls

Martin Scorsese Reveals He Is A Massive Fan Of Derry Girls
Colman Stanley
By Colman Stanley
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The immense popularity of Derry Girls was solidified long ago, but now a video has surfaced of Martin Scorsese talking about the show, in what is maybe the best shout out it has ever received.

Scorsese is considered by some as the greatest filmaker of all-time, and discussed the Channel 4 program during an interview where he was asked what TV he had been watching recently.

He replied with:

I watched the other night, Derry Girls.

Those nuns!!

The shows creator, Lisa McGee, then took to Twitter to respond:

Excuse me while I drop dead and actually die a death.


Martin Scorsese x Derry Girls


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Derry Girls finished its run in May of this year, after three seasons. In a recent interview, Lisa McGee spoke about coming to terms with the end of the show.


"It’s emotional, because it’s become a bigger thing than I ever thought it would be. I don’t just mean as a piece of work or whatever, but for my city as well. It’s been this amazing, massive thing in my life for more than six years now.

"I read one of those platitudes people put on Instagram that said, “Don’t be sad it’s over, but glad it happened” and that’s how I feel. I am so grateful to have been able to do this in the first place, and the fact that I’ve been allowed to finish it the way I wanted to finish it has been incredible.

"I don’t think many writers can say that, that they’ve been given the chance to really say what they want to say, the way they want to say it. It’s such a privilege and honour, really. I’m a bit nervous about some of it, but I can’t wait for everyone to see it."


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