If you type Les Kiss's name into google you discover a number of things.
The first thing to acknowledge is, you don't just see pictures of the Irish defence coach. But secondly you find out very early on that this is the man who, to all intents and purposes, invented the famous/infamous 'choke tackle' - or at least pioneered it's application in rugby union.
The choke tackle has been one of Ireland's greatest assets since 2009 and we are regarded as one of the biggest exponents of this (dark-ish) art.
Well, now Wales defence coach Shaun Edwards wants refs to stamp it out and has described it as a 'blight on the game.'
The tactic clearly bugs Edwards, who turned the tables on the press corps and asked them pointedly whether they thought the tackle added anything to the game.
I think the choke tackle is very, very dangerous. To me, it’s a bit of a blight on the game at the moment
It encourages people to tackle high. Everyone is going on about concussions and people tackling too high. Well, let’s start with that. I think referees should referee it as a tackle for longer.
Do any of you think it makes the game more exciting?
The room fell silent and Edwards insisted he was asking them genuinely whether they liked it. 'What happens after a choke tackle?' he then asked rhetorically.