I have to admit I clicked on this story (the most popular story on Irishtimes.com at the moment) scrolled down past the image, read the first sentence and said to myself 'Fuck me, Gareth Thomas woke up gay'.
Not the case apparently. Some guy named Chris Birch, who seems to have played rugby and must not have been photographed much, is the Welsh rugby player who woke up from a stroke and become homosexual.
But what the hell does this story have to do with Gareth Thomas? He is a rugby from Wales who happens to be gay, but the comparisons stop right there. Is a photo of Jenkins really necessary to give this story heft or news-value? This is piss-poor journalism. The story may have orginated from the PA, but some well-paid editor on Tara Street should have spotted that the story has nothing to do with Gareth Thomas.
Edit - the photo's been changed now to a guy who looks nothing like Gareth Thomas.