It appears that the post mortem of Ireland's Grand Slam dreams for 2015 has extended beyond the Irish video analysis team. This video below from youtube user SavageShoes100 has been getting a lot of views (27,000 +)
You can view the video below that features a select few examples of apparent Welsh infringements that Barnes chose not to penalise.
It should be noted that in the five minutes of video, there are 25 claims. In at least 16 of those, the claims are blatantly wrong, with another six being marginal calls where reasons can be made for Barnes making the decisions that he made.
It also should be noted that none of Ireland's discretions are analysed in the video. The video only looks at one team with a lot of marginal calls where you can give the benefit of the doubt to the referee.
Given that comments under YouTube videos is where true knowledge lies, here's a selection of how the analysis is being received.
We'll leave it up to you to decide but we'll try keep our indignation to reasonable levels.