The advent of Twitter has brought the adoring fan and the achieving hero ever so close, these days its easy to jibe at Floyd Mayweather, laugh with Darren Bent and learn from Mr100 Brian O’Driscoll. This weekend’s a big one for BOD and if you were wondering what he is going to do with the all important jersey, well you’re not the only one as he has fielded that query at by asserting that it’s “Important to keep the big ones."
If you were wondering if Brian was a man of nature, well that’s settled too, he spent some time this week “Laughing earlier watching a squirrel try and drag an apple up a tree in the back garden. The frustration of it all.” It’s unclear whether he is frustrated that these squirrels aren’t hibernating, or that they have stolen his apple and he is afraid to retrieve it, or maybe it was some training exercise involving Peter Stringer.
By browsing the people he is following you can deduce that he is enjoys the music of The Script and Lily Allen, that he follows NFL and Boxing through Drew Brees and the aforementioned Mayweather and finally that he like the look of Denise Richards, Britney Spears and Tyra Banks.
That’s our legendary centre right there in a nutshell, a hoarding, squirrel hating NFL fan.
Oh and by the way he sung city of Chicago with Christy Moore and beat Rob Kearney in darts this week.