Art McCarrick alerted us to the existence of probably one the greatest names in all sport and surely the greatest name rally driving.
Check out the driver of the no. 69 car in this weekend's Red Kite Stages rally in Wales.
Mr. Slaughter really needs to be a bigger star, if just for the sake of sub-editors everywhere. He's a headline writer's wet dream.
'Dick Triumphs As Opposition Slaughtered'. 'Like Lambs To The Slaughter In Welsh Rally'. 'Red Kite Stages Rally Is Slaughter House For Dick's Opponents.'
The possibilities are endless.
With a name like that he could have chosen any number of careers. He certainly could have been a late 80's to mid 90's WWF wrestler, a really abrasive comedian, a b-movie action star or even a porn star.
Here's Dick in action back in 2009 (safe for work).