This is Paddy Power's Best PR Stunt Ever

Jason Brennan
By Jason Brennan
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Forget the David Moyes grim reaper, or the Moyes statue outside Anfield, or even the Arsenal players disproving mean tweets, because Paddy Power have carved a goodluck message to the England football team into the Amazon rainforest, except they haven't really.

It looks like a serious feat of lumberjacking, instead they just got some tech-savvy employees to CGI the text onto a fake bunch of trees, 1.5 million of them actually, that they created themselves using some type of computer program that goes way over our heads.


It took the betting agents 3 weeks to create the image, using a program called MODO, and went to to the hassle of producing the correct type of tree, topography, the lighting based on the time of the day, and the reflection of the forest in the window of the non-existent helicopter. That's right, the helicopter didn't exist, it was all just an illusion.

And not just concerned with their own exposure, the bookies have managed to bring the issue of the depletion of forest trees into the public sphere. After Greenpeace told them that the area of 122 football trees were chopped down every 90 minutes in the Amazon, hence the #ShaveTheRainforest stunt.

And just to prove it was all an elaborate prank:


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