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  • NFL QB Aaron Rodgers Spoils Game Of Thrones On Twitter, Doesn't Care

NFL QB Aaron Rodgers Spoils Game Of Thrones On Twitter, Doesn't Care

Will Slattery
By Will Slattery
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(The following article contains spoilers for Game of Thrones)

In the internet era, people are very strict on spoilers. If I tweeted out today that Kevin Spacey is Keyser Soze someone would say "SPOILER ALERT: I HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET." even thought "The Usual Suspects" came out in 1995. Last weekend popular tv show Game of Thrones had a huge twist that shocked viewers. NFL qb Aaron Rodgers took to twitter the next they to talk about it and was met with a lot of abuse for spoiling the show .



Here was his explanation.










Where do you weigh in? Is 24 hours enough to wait before spoiling a program? Or should people have the decency to stay off social media until they watch it? Either way it is a lot of fun to spoil a show for someone: At the end of the Dark Knight Rises, you think Batman is dead but he really isn't. Good god, that was satisfying.

h/t sportsgrid

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