There are plenty old wives tales that point to the odd and even ridiculous cures for the excess of the night before, but as far as we're concerned the consumption of washing up liquid is not one of them.
Tell that to horse trainer and former jockey Charlie Brooks and he will be best placed to confirm it to you. For yesterday during the hacking trial involving Brooks and his wife Rebekah, Sara Broadstock, a good friend of the Brooks detailed an amazing tale of a home remedy gone wildly wrong.
I once found him frothing at the mouth looking close to death one morning, only to discover that he had not been bitten by a rabid dog, but had drunk a pint of Fairy Liquid to try and rid himself of the excesses of the night before.
Obligatory Father Jack reference
"Hands that do dishes can feel soft as your face, with mild green Fairy Liquid."
viaThe Guardian