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When we started Balls.ie from various internet stations in Stockholm, Toronto and Dublin in the harsh late winter of 2010, we weren't sure where we were going and we didn't know if we'd make it to the summer. Fast forward to the eve of 2012 Olympics and here we are: a bit slicker, a bit fancier, a bit better at making gifs, but essentially the same Balls.ie. Well, we're really excited because we're about to seriously embark on an exciting journey that will get us out of our home offices [Ed. - bedrooms?] and hopefully culminate in Balls.ie becoming Ireland's biggest sports website. The first step to achieving that is quite modest: rather than simply being sports-content parasites, we're hoping to blast throughr the world of content creation in the coming months, be it via text, images and video.
We're going to need some help along the way though. At the moment, we're looking for an intern or two. Our ideal candidate:
- Loves sport
- Is interested in a career in sports journalism
- Can no longer watch a televised match without a laptop in close proximity
- Spends a depressing amount of time on the internet
- Enjoys the funnier side of the world of sport
- Get to the Dublin metropolitan area
- Is available to start relatively soon
We're looking for someone who can contribute 30-40 hours a week. A knack for video editing and any other multimedia skills would only enhance your chances of getting the position. If you're interested, send a CV and paragraph explaining your interest in the position to [email protected]. If you could do so by the 3rd of August, we'd be delighted.
Thanks again to everyone for coming to site over the last two and a half years. We hope you enjoy Balls.ie in its coming iteration. It'll be the same balls, just BIGGER.