Shown us the folly of eating a massive plate of fish and chips the night before a crucial European Championship qualifier
No nation has done this more vividly than Austria in 1995.
(And it doesn't matter how many shares your manager holds in the restaurant in question)
Ferdinand Porsche grew up in Vienna.
Back in 2006, there used to be two of these outside every house in Tallaght. Not anymore.
Their capital city was the inspiration behind Father Benny Cake's Greatest Hit
Let us have Trapattoni. Maybe they might get rid of him for us tonight ahead of schedule.
Had a big hit with 'Ein Kleine Nacht Musik', Forget when it was but it was sometime in the '80s. Has done nothing since.
Feeling of kinship from being a small-ish country next to a big one
As a country who's greatest figures often get called British, the Austrians know how we feel
Given us an idea we might have thought about a bit longer before Euro 2012
Before 2008, Austrian fans established an online petition requesting that the team be omitted from the European Championships
Toni Polster
Not quite as revered as Toto Schilliachi but was a thorn in Ireland's side in 1995
World War I
If Archeduke Franz Ferdinand's driver hadn't taken a wrong turn down a side street in Sarajevo, then we wouldn't have had World War I
And the elephant in the room...
Sure lookit, there's no way of getting 'round it but this fella was Austrian