Amy Schumer is quickly becoming one of the most popular comedians around after she went on Ellen and made every woman in America laugh their collective asses off. You know the saying, "If you've made it on Ellen, you've made it". That's not really a saying, but it's still true.
Anyway, Amy Schumer has landed her own Comedy Central show called 'Inside Amy Schumer' and the target for one of the show's most recent parodies was Friday Night Lights, the high-school American Football drama that enjoys a cult following because it's absolutely bloody amazing.
Schumer's impression of Tammy Taylor is worthy of an Oscar nomination.
The subject matter of the main joke in the parody has obviously attracted some attention after the video was released, but Schumer has insisted that she was not trying to make light of a very serious crime:
[Joking about rape] is always a risk. You might look at this scene and think we’re making light of something serious, but we really are trying to educate. We know what message we want to send, and then we also think the premise is funny, and then we go to town.
So there you have it. The music, the mannerisms of the main actors, the angry locals... This is an absolutely brilliant parody of an absolutely brilliant show.
via Comedy Central on YouTube.