It's admirable to dedicate yourself to a healthier diet regime but just like everything else, there are dangers to look out for. Here is our top ten dangerous diets we recommend you never try.
When you're pushing the body outside the comfort zone, be mindful of overestimating your capacity for pain and undervaluing your body's basic needs for recovery.
It should not shock you to learn that failure to embrace this logic will lead to a host of unpleasant outcomes. Rhobust exercise patterns without adequate nutrition and rest will ultimately yield symptoms such as fatigue, stress, irritability and even injury.
Unfortunately, though, some people forego these warnings and get overly entrenched in their new regime. This often leads to the discovery of unhealthy eating habits/restristions that are as dangerous as they are ludicrous.
Here are some of the world's most dangerous diets to look out for.
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Top 10 Dangerous Diets
1. Tapeworm Diet
The tapeworm diet consists of ingesting a tapeworm cyst pill to allow tapeworms mature and eat all other food products inside your intestine to enhance weight loss.
When the consumer reaches their weight loss target, they then swallow an anti-parasite pill to force the tapeworm out of the body through excretion.
Sound repulsive enough?
Well don't return to your dinner just yet because the 'Tapeworm Diet' also includes a host of wicked side effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea, headaches and even epilipsy.
Not only does this whole process deprive you of other vital nutrients, the weight dropped off during the process will swiftly return when the parasite is killed.
2. Hollywood Diet
Just like the perilous path to stardom, the 'Hollywood Diet' is paved with empty promises and dangerous deception.
Also known as the '48-Hour Miracle Diet', this plan is intended to produce a weight loss of between two and 10 pounds.
Essentially, the product is an orange-coloured drink that the dieter uses as a replacement for all other foods and liquids for two days. They take it four times a day and are encouraged to maintain this ritual until the desired weight loss is achieved.
Repeatedly following plans like this puts the body into starvation mode and can yield some nasty after-effects such as diarrhea, fatigue, constipation and nausea.
3. Baby Food Diet
Pioneered by celebrity fitness coach Tracy Anderson, clients are encouraged to substitute good substantial meals with 14 tiny rations per day of puréed food and low-calorie dinners.
Effectively, this is a nonsensical diet promoting adults to sacrifice their dignity and imitate the eating habits of infants.
Of course, baby food is safe enough to eat but the minimal portions are insufficient for the amount of calories grown-ups need to function every day. It's also highly unsustainable.
4. K-E Diet, aka the Feeding-Tube Diet
Thought that feeding tubes were just for hospital patients?
Well think again. 'The Feeding Tube Diet' is implemented by inserting a thin tube through the dieter's nose where a substance made up of low calorie and low protein content is pumped through and deposited in the stomach.
And the purpose of this absurd and totally elaborate process? It allegedly burns fat at a faster rate.
Shockingly, this process guarantees absolutely no long-term weight loss and, more importantly, it is riddled with several unsavoury outcomes including constipation, kidney stones, dehydration, dizziness and headaches.
5. Werewolf Diet
Sounds like a manly one, but in reality, this diet is as primitive as howling at the moon.
And wouldn't you know it, the inventors of this foolish method are claiming that weight loss can be influenced by lunar activity.
Supposedly, if you fast during a full or new moon, it's gravitational pull will rapidly rid the body of up to six pounds of water weight and toxins. And if you can't abide by these instructions, you could at least restrict yourself to water and fruit juice.
What worshippers of this eating plan don't realise, is that our kidneys naturally detoxify the body every day, making this whole farce of a diet completely redundant. The howlers can also look forward to side effects including dizziness, fatigue, and irritability later.
6. The Lemonade Diet
This one is an old favourite among desperate dieters and celebrities such as Beyoncé are avid users.
The simple formula is to whip up a cocktail of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup, and drink it down.
You might lose some water weight but this is an eating method with absolutely no longevity involved.
And like so many other useless diets, you will eventually put all the weight back on, making weight loss even more difficult further down the line.
7. The Sleeping Beauty Diet
Not too unlike the fabled story of Sleeping Beauty herself, this eating habit requires you to sleep through meal times.
The rough guideline of 'The Sleeping Beauty Diet' is to force yourself into a drug-induced coma that lasts for a few days.
This is another assured method for self-starvation accompanied by a delicious side serving of dehydration, decreased metabolism and muscle damage.
8. Single food diets, most notable the Cabbage Soup Diet
The core message of this diet is to cut your advised daily intake down to 1,000 calories by dining solely on one food group or type of food, this one is cabbage soup.
There is no disputing the significance of having a eating plan rich in vegetables but dramatically removing all other food groups will leave your system deficient of some crucial vitamins.
No matter what you read, not one food or food group is going to provide you with all the nutrients needed to live a healthy life.
Any weight loss you experience from this type of eating restriction is likely to be water or muscle loss instead of fat loss.
The additional health costs of this diet are migraines, eye discolouration, anaemia, osteoporosis and depleted energy levels.
9. Cotton Ball Diet
The thinking behind this diet is to replace all solid foods with cotton balls in an effort to negate your appetite.
Without wanting to insult the intelligence of anyone who endorses this eating habit, eating cotton wool is a reasonable definition for stupidity.
Eating wool not only interrupts the natural digestive processes, it also clogs up your system which ultimately leaves you vulnerable to a whole host of health problems including bowel blockages.
10. Fork Diet

This is the mothership of all degenerative diet ideas and if you're silly enough to follow it, you won't be encountering any forks in the road on your journey to malnutrition.
Put plainly, the 'Fork Diet' compels its users to eat food portions that are smaller than the size of your fork. I
It's a simple idea don't you agree?
Possibly because the person who conceived it was so delirious with hunger that they couldn't come up with anything more complex.
This article was originally published on October 26th, 2015.
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