Léigh anois go cúramach, ar do scrúdpháipéar, na treoracha agus na ceisteanna a ghabhann le Cuid A.
Are you sweating already? If not, you are about to. Prepare yourself and get your thinking caps on, we are about to test your linguistic skills. Your Gaeilge linguistic skills, to be more precise.
Are you able to name these Irish sports stars from the Irish language version of their names? Ó a Dhia. We have included a wide variety of sports here from GAA to soccer, rugby to boxing, so think broadly.
Before you begin, some helpful tips.
If you attempt to sound the names out, it may help you. Also, not every Irish translation of the first names, may actually not be their own first names. So for example, Eoghan doesn't always mean Owen, and Antóin doesn't always mean Anthony either. Think outside the bosca folks.
If you score anything over 8, you should be very proud of yourself. You have a lovely eight minutes to give this one a whack.
Let us know you get on in the comments section also.
Bhain sult as, agus ádh mór oraibh!