Tech nerds were left salivating this week as one of the most anticipated gadgets of the year, the iPhone 6, was unveiled. A new smartphone equipped with a new operating system presumably means a new array of apps available to purchase. That's a lot of "new"s. Well, we at have put together a list of sports apps that the powers that be should definitely avoid making for the latest apple product.

It works along the same lines as the photo sharing app of a similar name except with one key difference, users can only like and share photos of Irish golfer Graeme McDowell. It's a very niche market.
Shazam: Hooligan Chant Edition
Ever wondered what horrific abuse the ultras are hurling from the stands? All you need to do is pull out your smartphone and at the push of a button you can find out what venomous insults are making your favourite player have a terrible game.
Who wouldn't want a dating app that only matches you with a former England rugby international?
Angry Gers
Waste hours of your life flinging Sunday Game panelist Ger Loughnane at those pesky, little, green Brollys. The new update comes fully equipped with the Nash rule.
A very similar app to InstaGraeme but you can only send people photo's of Mike Catt's cat. It's clearly his cat! Look, he's got an England rugby ball.
Tekken Mobile: Vuelta
Are you sick to your stomach at the behaviour of the brawling cyclists at Vuelta? Well then you'll hate this app as it embraces the juxtaposition of endurance cycling and combat sports.
Clash of the Tans
Take control of a horde of Vincent tans as they invade Welsh villages and change the colour of their local football teams jersey.