Red Dead Redemption 2 is the biggest game of the year, and one of the most engrossing titles we have seen on the current generation of consoles. Rockstar have certainly not disappointed with the follow up to the 2010 smash hit original, and if anything have used the extra power on new consoles to improve the experience even further. There is so much to do in the game, and collecting horses is proving a very popular pastime. Below we will show you where to get the Missouri Fox Trotter in Red Dead Redemption 2.
The Missouri Fox Trotter In Red Dead Redemption 2
The Missouri Fox Trotter is one of the best horses available in Red Dead Redemption 2, with gamers very impressed by the speed and stamina of the animal. It will not come cheap, but if you can afford it the horse will be an excellent addition to your stable.
YouTuber NubIsOn gives an excellent summary of the horse here, but we will give you an outline below.
There are two variations of this horse. Both have identical stats, with the only difference being their coat. The two coat types are the amber champagne and silver dapple pinto. They are both found at different stables and are available at different points in the game.
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The amber champagne is available in Chapter 4, and can be purchased from a stable beside the border Lemoyne and New Hanover, south of the Emerald Ranch.

The horse is quite big in size, and features a beautiful light brown coat. It will set you back $950 if you choose to purchase it.

The silver dapple pinto is available in epilogue 1, and you can find it in a stable in Blackwater. Its location is marked on the map below.
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This horse has a striking black and silver coat, with a long mane that covers its eyes. Like the amber champagne, it will also cost $950.

Both horses have the exact same stats. It is an excellent working or racing horse due its high speed and stamina ratings. You can definitely see why it is becoming so popular in the game.