We can't imagine that Rugby 18 was the most popular demo area at E3 in Los Angeles earlier in the month, with games like Super Mario Odyssey, Far Cry 5, Spiderman, and Call Of Duty: WWII on show, but a few rugby fans would have had the chance to see if we finally have a respectable 'current-gen' game to enjoy.
When we heard the news that Rugby 18 was in development, of course we were excited initially. We can't help it. Ever since Jonah Lomu Rugby and then the early success of the EA Sports titles, we've had to put up with some woeful games that make the oldies look even better. We're still playing Rugby 08 on a regular basis almost 10 years after it came out!
Sadly, when we looked further into it, we lost hope.
SEE ALSO: Why We Just Can't Get Excited About The New 'Rugby 18' Game On Xbox One/PS4
It sounded very much like the same stuff we saw for Rugby 15, which was just terrible..
And sadly, from the first gameplay footage to emerge from E3, it looks like Rugby 15, and that's terrible. YouTube gaming channel Sports Gamers Online uploaded a look around the menus as well as a few minutes of in-game action:
We appreciate the effort, we really do, but the fact is that a small studio can't deliver the title the public wants, and the one that can, EA Sports, has absolutely no interest as the game would just not sell outside of Ireland, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.
We'll still play it, we'll do a review, and we'll give it an honest and fair chance, but our expectations are extremely low.