As one of our national games, you'd expect every Irish person to have the innate ability of summing up what hurling is both accurately and concisely. Seemingly, this isn't the case.
The Sunday Game crew headed down to the ploughing championships in Ratheniska, Co. Laois to ask farming enthusiasts to try to explain the sport of hurling. It proved to be a more difficult task than you might think.
I suppose it's sticks without rules, maybe and it's played by gentlemen.
I live in America, they're on about the big, wooden spoons. These crazy men with big, wooden spoons, you know? That's what they go on about.
You have a shtick and a ball... and you bayt people with the shtick, and you follow the ball around... bayting people with the shtick.
Credit must go to the young child at the 37 second mark who's no-nonsense answer is easily better than any of the adults' attempts.
It's an Irish sport about hitting a ball with a stick.
That just about sums it up.