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Poll: Davy Fitz Or Jimmy Barry Murphy In The TPHOF Hurling Final Replay Special

Poll: Davy Fitz Or Jimmy Barry Murphy In The TPHOF Hurling Final Replay Special
Conor Neville
By Conor Neville
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Terry Phelan Hall of Fame Logo

While the Terry Phelan Hall of Fame more normally celebrates under-appreciated icons of sport, for this weekend's All-Ireland hurling final replay, we are breaking with this tradition and offering you the chance to let either one of two bona fide legends in among the esteemed body of men that already make up the TPHOF.

We are nominating the two supremos that will traipse the Croke Park sideline this Saturday. Yes, it's either the gimlet-eyed, diminutive dynamo that is Davy Fitzgerald (Fitz, Fitzie or Psycho) or the regal, medal-laden and really very nice Jimmy Barry Murphy (JBM or simply Jimmy Barry).

It's up to you which one wins inclusion into the venerable Terry Phelan Hall of Fame.

Here are some of the very compelling reasons that may merit either inclusion on the list


Putting the Case for Davy Fitzgerald is esteemed barrister Paul O' Higgins SC 

The Case for Davy Fitzgerald M'Lud
1. His winning manner in interviews

2. He drives his family f****** hard

3. Fitzerising

The sheer range and sprightliness of his movements has created a groundbreaking form of dance that could be as big as the Mackarena



4. He knows how to get at John Mullane

5. He has a beautiful voice


Putting the case on behalf of Jimmy Barry Murphy is current Supreme Court Judge and renowned former barrister Mr. Justice Adrian Hardiman 

The Case for Jimmy Barry Murphy Your Honour
1. He was, by a distance, the coolest GAA player of the 70s

2. TG4 (in one of their regular lists) have ranked his goal against Galway in 1983 as the greatest of all time

3. He inspired one of the finest All-Ireland final songs of all time

4. "Six foot two, Eyes of Blue" Jimmy was something of a pin up back in the day



5. Laughs in the face of all those dual stars. Jimmy was a triple star

Jimmy not only won All-Irelands in hurling and football, he also played for Cork Celtic in the 70s




So Who Will It Be?

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