The GPA has touched base with each inter-county squad across the country to ask them and their respected county boards to back Option B, the league-based championship proposal, ahead of this month's Special Congress.
Special Congress will be held on October 23rd with three options on the table for consideration for Gaelic football’s future championship structure, one which has been debated for quite a number of years at this stage.
Option A involves retaining the overall structure of the inter-county season but with redrawn provincial boundaries which in essence would move counties around different provinces; Option B is a league-based championship; and Option C is to retain the system currently in use.
If passed, 'Proposal B' would instigate the biggest change in format since the championship's inception.
A minimum of no less than 60% backing for either Option A or Option B is required for either proposal to come into effect from next season onwards.
RTÉ are reporting that after a series of calls and presentations, the majority of the GPA’s membership now seem to favour 'Proposal B'. The alternatives are creating four eight-team provincial conferences or sticking with the status quo. It’s understood the players do not see the status quo an option.
Regardless of the overwhelming backing for the league-based championship, the GPA has encouraged its membership to nonetheless lobby their county boards for whatever option they want to see succeed as internal research suggests that the current system is not favoured by many inter-county players.
'Proposal B' would essentially link a county's finishing position in the league to a two-tier championship system, with the provincial competitions retained as pre-season competitions, which has not been met with great pleasure by all within the GAA.

Image credit: Sky Sports
The GPA are expected to make their views known publicly next week after a meeting of its National Executive Committee, with the GAA Special Congress taking place in Croke Park.
Meanwhile, the GAA has held provincial meetings over the past fortnight to outline all chief considerations of Option A and Option B as Special Congress approaches.
The sessions were for information and clarification purposes, and it is now planned to send a presentation on the motions to each GAA club.