Kerry welcomed Waterford to Tralee this evening for an U20 Munster Championship semi-final clash. In a sorely uneven tie, Kerry's U20s ran out 3-22 to 0-01 victors that has left many people wondering how such a mismatch could have manifested itself.

With Waterford's sole point of the evening coming after Kerry had already scored 1-18, the nature of this disparity has struck many as troubling.
Who does this benefit?
— Derrick Lynch (@DLynchSport) June 22, 2018
Just the 30 point win for Kerry in Munster Under 20 Football semi final tonight. Waterford scored just 1 point. It's a serious Kerry team but huge imbalance in provincial football I'm afraid
— Liam Aherne (@laherne84) June 22, 2018
My God
— David Fleming (@currow1981) June 22, 2018
Jeez...Obvious first thought is who does the association think this benefits? Awful for Waterford after a bright summer for football in the county ....Sadly another part of me asks who was at fault on the Kerry team to concede the point. Something to work on. Sorry 🤭🤡
— Tony Crone (@TonyCrone) June 22, 2018
Although nothing should be taken from Kerry's astounding strength at underage level, one is left wondering what possible benefit there is in such a provincial structure when the disparity is so great.

In recent years Kerry's minors have enjoyed tremendous success; winning four All-Ireland titles in succession. The progression of this talent in clear evidence tonight.