At various stages in the past 12 months, both "Zlatan" and "Inmessionante" have entered dictionaries in Sweden and Argentina respectively. That got us thinking, what would a GAA dictionary equivalent look like? And thus, here is the first of what will be many drafts in the months ahead.
brollyism: (noun) a secret respect or admiration. Ex.: “Despite years of bickering, John always harboured a secret brollyism towards Mike from accounting”.
cluxton: (noun) the act of pondering a task for an excruciating amount of time. Ex. "The tension in the room was unbearable as the chess master's cluxton wore on and on."
cody: (verb) to reign for an extraordinary amount of time or to create a dictatorship. “After uniting the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia, Genghis Khan codyed Eurasia until the end of his life”.
davyfitz: (noun) Temporary state of insatiable madness. Ex. As the full moon rose, David was consumed by feelings of davyfitz. He had transformed from man to wolf
dooher (verb) to toil tirelessly without proper recognition from the world at large. Ex. "The servant girl doohered and doohered at the garden all summer long. The flowers were beautiful but her effort was never properly lauded by her employers."
galvinise: (verb) to participate in a documentary about your life. Ex. "The young politician was delighted with the news: a group of filmmakers from the local college wanted to galvinise his campaign."
gooch: (verb) to wearily accept one's inferiority. Ex. “Ronaldo watched Messi pick up another Ballon D’Or and knew he was gooched for the rest of his career”.
jbm (verb): To act of conferring holiness or sainthood upon a mere mortal. Ex. “After his beatification, Pope John Paul II is just one step away from his jbming as a saint”.
lar: (verb) a blind following of a plan doomed to failure. Ex. “It only dawned on the German soldier as he was storming towards the Russian guns that this military tactic was well and truly larred”.
leitrim: (noun) a once-a-century visit to a capital city from a region of mystical remoteness. Ex. After years and years of waiting in isolation, the day had come. Today's leitrim would provide the tribe with a tantalising glimpse of life in the big city before they were forced to recede back into the fogs of their homeplace.
lyster: (noun) sage voice of a people, spiritual leader. Ex. Cortes first sought out Monzteuma, the Aztec lyster.
maurice-fitz: (verb) to appear effortless in moments of brilliance. Ex. “Christ maurice-fitzed across the water as his disciples looked on agog”.
mayo: (noun) the irrational fear and sudden wilting at the prospect of momentous achievement. Ex. "The debate captain was full of confidence only to be overcome by a distinct feeling of mayo once it was his turn to speak."
mcguinness: (verb) to transform a coarse, faltering object into something majestic, to completely change something. Ex. “The caterpillar mcguinnessed into a butterfly”.
micko (verb) to roam the earth endlessly. Ex. For forty long year, the Israelites mickoed through the desert in hopes of finding a home.
shefling: (verb) To genuflect, worship or to offer oneself at the altar of a deity. Ex. “After forcing open the doors, the man was moved to shefling in front of the altar”.
spillane: To irrationally irritate or to annoy. Ex. “David slammed the chalk against the board so spillaned he was at the class”.
walsh: A state of utter intimidation. Ex. “The private struggled to control his bladder so walshed was he by the drill sergeant breathing down his neck.”
This is just the start though folks, we want your submissions and after much deliberation, the best ones will enter the vaunted Balls dictionary. Send them on on our facebook page, through twitter, the comments below or email