At Breffni Park on Saturday evening, it finished a draw - 1-11 to 0-14 - between Donegal and Monaghan in the Ulster Championship semi-final.
Late in the game, with Donegal leading by two, Conor McManus has a chance to halve Monaghan's deficit.
McManus' free kick was not of the standards usually expected from the corner-forward. It was sent skyward, not even reaching the goal.
It eventually landed into the hands of Donegal keeper Mark Anthony McGinley.
What followed was incident which McGinley will surely look back on with an amount of shame.
After being pushed by a Monaghan player, McGinley - making just his second Championship appearance - hit the turf, holding his face in agony.

On commentary for Sky Sports, Dave McIntyre called the keeper's actions 'shameful'.
That's shameful from Mark Anthony McGinley, it really is.
McIntyre was not the only one to think so.
I'm embarrassed for Donegal keeper McGinley. That was a shameful dive. This is Gaelic lad not premier league. Get up! #UlsterChampionship
— Billy O'Shea (@billyoshea77) June 25, 2016
Get up McGinley - that's disgraceful #GAA
— Chris McCann (@canntoya) June 25, 2016
Watching elite level Gaa players feign injury is embarrassing and Donegal should have a word with their keeper #GAA #MonVDon
— Jonny McGailey (@JonnyMcgailey) June 25, 2016
donegal keeper get up son, for god's sake and for the parish get the feck up 🙈
— Mary K Burke (@MKBurke1) June 25, 2016
The Donegal keeper needs slapped by one of his own team mates, there destroying Gaelic football in every possible way
— Ryan Boyd (@ryanboyd81) June 25, 2016
The GAA need to start banning divers like McGinley!! It will soon put an end to such antics!
— Morgan O'Callaghan (@MorgantheBriar) June 25, 2016