If there's not a photo of your toothless toddler self, bathing in Sam Maguire or holding one side of Liam McCarthy, you'll find it's for one of two reasons.
Either you're unfortunate enough to be born of a county so shockingly inept that an All-Ireland title has not yet made it's way there in, oh nearly 135 years. Or, your Mam and Dad straight hate you.
But the chances of future generations getting the opportunity to complete one of Ireland's most important rites of passage could well be in jeopardy, should the GAA implement rules to bar the famed silverwares from heaving boozers in the future.

Speaking to the Seannad last Tuesday, GAA President John Horan addressed Senators on the GAA's pivotal role in Irish civic society, and the Dublin man was quick to praise last year's All-Ireland Hurling champions, Limerick, on the stance that they took in light of capturing the Liam McCarthy trophy for the first time in 45 years.
To their credit, and hopefully, this is a road to the future, the Limerick hurling team, having 45 years of a gap bridged, have never allowed the Liam MacCarthy Cup to enter one licensed premises or any alcohol to touch that cup. Hopefully, that is a step in the right direction.
And now, it looks like the GAA may be at least considering, prohibiting future champions from celebrating in such raucous fashion.
The Irish Sun run with the story today, having spoken with ex-President and MEP Seán Kelly, who also was full of praise for the Treaty County's decision not to besmirch the trophy.
What Limerick did went down well. You can enjoy the celebrations in a dignified way that sets a good example for young people.
I don’t think there will be a rule on it. But every county has to look at their own situation.
There have been a number of pretty high profile incidences of GAA silverware ending up in some unlikely places over the last few years.
Perhaps most infamously, a reveller was able to pinch Sam Maguire from a New York ale house back in October, documenting his frolics with the sacred piece in a hotel room, in a video that was widely spread on social media.
'Sam' went missing back on another trip to the Big Apple in 1980, when the FBI were eventually called in to retrieve it.