Joey Holden's assertion that everyone should keep an eye on Richie Hogan's twitter this morning may be one of the most quintessential teammate jokes you're ever likely to hear. You're put up on RTÉ, in the winners hotel and what's the first thing you do? Try and squeeze in a jibe at one of your teammates. Has to be done.
We can only imagine the slagging Hogan got when those pictures of his nasty feet started showing up in every media outlet on the island. It was only right that when Holden got his chance to throw Hogan under the bus, he did just that.
However, leaving aside the jokes, Brian Cody revealed something that no one knew in the build up to the game and something which is well worth a tweet from Hogan this morning.
The Kilkenny star tore a quad just two weeks ago. Usually that would take four to six weeks to recover from, yet somehow, Hogan battled back from that injury to take his place in the Kilkenny line-up yesterday and win yet another All Ireland title.