A recent Christmas survey conducted by a London shopping centre has revealed that one in five children thought that Jesus Christ was a footballer who plays for Chelsea.
Brent Cross Shopping Centre in London conducted a survey where they asked 1000 children questions about Christmas in order to find out if the kids knew the meaning behind the holiday, as Brent Cross spokesperson Katie Tucker explains:
With children looking forward to the festive season the whole year round, we wanted to ensure that the true meaning of celebration was understood, by proving to kids that Jesus Christ isn’t a footballer.
The survey asked a number of multiple choice questions, one which was:
Who is Jesus Christ?
a) A footballer for Chelsea
b) The son of God
c) A TV presenter
d) An X-Factor contestant
e) An astronaut
When the results were counted, it became apparent that 20% of the kids who participated in the survey thought that Jesus Christ was a footballer for Chelsea.
I know the club has become known for it's big name signings under Abramovic but that one may be a bit of a stretch.
via The Mirror.