Steve Staunton Missing?

Donny Mahoney
By Donny Mahoney
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Jack Charlton chatted with Dan McDonnell in today's Indo. We know Big Jack's opinions on everything bar Kanye West at this stage, but I have to say it was hilarious to read his comments on Stan's days in management (and even more hilarious if you read them in your head with a comical Georgie accent.)

"I didn't expect him to go into it. And then, after the Ireland job, well, he went to Darlington and took them out of the leagues, which is dreadful for them. I don't think Stan has a job now, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Could his advice have helped? "No, no, no," he says. "I mean, Bobby Robson would have been anyone's choice. They knew what I was like. I'd been 10 years here. They brought Bobby in but whether he listened to Bobby or didn't listen to Bobby is another matter. It's sad that it didn't work out."

'I haven't seen him for a long time'
. What does that mean? Is Stan lying low and avoiding darts night with the lads or has he moved to Belgium? Has anyone seen Stan since he didn't get the Villa assistant job?

Stan, if you're out there, check in and let us know everything's ok.

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