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Watch: Roy Keane Admits He Regrets One Part Of 5-A-Side Goal Celebration

Watch: Roy Keane Admits He Regrets One Part Of 5-A-Side Goal Celebration
Gary Connaughton
By Gary Connaughton
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Roy Keane is not a fan of footballers going overboard with their celebrations during or after games.

There have been countless occasions down through the years where he has criticised players for this very reason, with Brazil being his latest targets during the World Cup in Qatar.

That is what made a piece of footage that emerged this week so surprising.

The crews of the BBC and ITV faced off in a 5-a-side game during their down time in the Middle East, with pundits and crew from the two broadcasters taking part in the game. That included Roy Keane, who scored the winner against his mate Micah Richards in goal for the other team.

That was all fair enough, but eyebrows were raised when he pulled off his shirt and ran off in celebration.


Considering the way Keane had criticised Brazil only a few days before that, many found the celebration to be an ironic one.

Roy Keane speaks about 5-a-side celebration

Roy Keane was appearing on ITV this evening ahead of England's game against France, with his goal earlier in the week inevitably being brought up.


Fellow pundits Gary Neville and Ian Wright were quick to poke fun at him for it, but the Cork man said that ripping his shirt off was not the part that he regrets. Instead, it was jumping over the bin just after that concerned him.

Neville: I've never seen him celebrate like this. You don't catch it sweet, do you?

Keane: No, it's not great.

Wright: Is that Micah Richards in goal? His mate in goal as well! Is the celebration necessary? Ladies and gents, look at this.

Keane: Forget about the goal, it's this part that I regret. I'm feeling it today. My knee has been really sore the last few days, so huge regrets about jumping the bin. But it was a big goal for ITV, I'm very proud of it.

Classic Roy Keane.


It will be interesting to see if he criticises any other players for their celebrations over the remainder of the tournament. We imagine he might give it a miss.

SEE ALSO: British Newspaper Facing Backlash For Paris Ads Ahead Of France-England

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