An enterprising author had the temerity to publish a book on how Liverpool almost won something last season. Surely, he should have envisioned the inevitable piss-taking by rival supporters?
'They Dared To Dream: How Rodgers' Liverpool Went So Close' is a new book that details The Reds' late surge that saw them narrowly miss out on winning the Premier League last season. This sparked an eloquently written review by one keyboard warrior on Amazon that sums up the synopsis better than the blurb possibly could.
Clearly there's a future in writing for this Amazon user. It would be unsurprising if he hasn't already submitting this passage to the Nobel Prize judging panel. A sub-section of most highfalutin slagging off of a rival club should really be introduced.
There are plenty more where that came from too. Check out here for more reviews from Man United fans.