Roll up roll up, it's a Manchester United jersey leak.
Adidas broke all sorts of records with their first efforts while official sponsor of Man Utd's jerseys, as the move from Nike to the brand with the three stripes proved to be very popular with the fans.
As far as third jerseys go, Manchester United have been alternating between black and blue for the last decade or so, and as last year's rather nice black jersey was a hit, Adidas will be hoping that a return to blue will also yield big sales as they usually do. caught wind of a leaked photo of the new jersey, which looks exactly like the mockups they had been reliably informed were correct. Here it is:
And just for nostalgia's sake here are some of the better blue jerseys we've seen in recent years, with 2008 being the clear standout:
Of course, the blue doesn't always look good:
So what's the verdict, United fans?