It's a big day for us here at Balls Studios as we announce our upcoming game 'Assistant Football Manager'.
Being the boss a bit too much to handle? Previous managerial performances making it difficult to find a job? Don't like being the scapegoat for bad results? Then you sound like the perfect candidate for the assistant manager position!
In Assistant Football Manager, you are the man behind the main man. The ultimate number two, you will have full control over what the boss tells you that you are in charge of, such as:
-Drawing the manager's tactics on the whiteboard.
-Erasing old tactics from the whiteboard.
-Putting out the cones for training.
-Picking up the cones after training.
-Enjoying "banter" with the players.
-Mirroring the manager's emotions on match-days.
-Assigning terrible nicknames to new players.
-Making a rare TV appearance when the boss is too pissed-off to talk.
And many, many more!
AFM uses the latest in Quick Time Event (QTE) technology to reflect the urgency of a number of important situations.
Playable Demo:
Try a sample of 'Assistant Football Manager' today and find out which famous assistant your game best resembles.
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