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The Germans Have Had Their Say On Those Irish Flags That Are Causing So Much Debate

John Balfe
By John Balfe
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In Ireland there aren’t many things that we like more than being considered generally great craic, particularly when it’s other countries making that claim.

The delightfully hip Vice Sports, or rather the German version of the website, has sat up and taken notice of the Irish travelling support in France and, more specifically, the 'Shit Euros Flags' which will be displayed with 'honour' throughout Ireland's participation in the tournament (and probably long after we're gone, if we're being honest).

You may recall that during our abject failure at the last Euros, German fans referred to us as 'the European Champions of the Heart' and, while that's all well and good, we'd probably still prefer to be the European Champions at football. Either way the Germans seem to have forgotten/never really cared what Shane Long did for German/Irish relations in the Aviva last October.

Unfortunately our resident German translator, the Manuela to our Trapattoni, is off today so we've had to make do with Google Translate to decipher the German commentary from the good people of Vice on the below flags. It's probably better this way, to be fair.


Für den Trainer der irischen Nationalmannschaft Martin O'Neill ist es die erste EM-Teilnahme. Diese Fahne ist als Pendant zu „Dabei sein ist alles!" zu verstehen.

"For the coach of the Irish national team Martin O'Neill is the first European Championships. This flag is "Being there is everything!" As a counterpart to understand." - Google Translate.

An excellent point here - and well made.



Wenn der irische Keeper Darren Randolph nur ansatzweise so gut hält wie es diese Fahne verspricht, sollte Irland erster Anwärter auf die wenigsten Gegentore des Turniers sein.

"If the Irish keeper Darren Randolph just nearly as good as it keeps promises that flag, Ireland should be the first candidate for the fewest goals of the tournament." - Google Translate.

Is Darren Randolph really as good as keeps promises that flag? That's the real question here. Insightful point, German Vice Sports.



Mangelndes Selbstbewusstsein kann man den Iren nicht vorwerfen.

"Lack of self-confidence can not be blamed for the Irish." - Google Translate.

Obviously they've yet to become familiar with our crippling sense of Catholic guilt but, in fairness, we don't really reference that on our football flags very often.


Father Ted ist eine Comedy-Serie aus Irland. Sein Image scheint besser zu sein als seine Prognosen.

"Father Ted is a comedy series from Ireland. Its image appears to be better than its forecasts." - Google Translate

We think we know what they were trying to say here but we can't be certain.


2012 hatte Irland Long und Cox, 2016 steht im Zeichen von Breaking Bad. Damian Walthers wird sich freuen.

"2012 had Ireland Long and Cox, 2016 is all about Breaking Bad. Damian Walters will rejoice." - Google Translate.

Who is Damian Walters? Does Jon Walters have an Irish qualified relative that we don't know about?

Der Spruch ist eine weitere Referenz zu Father Ted. Fußball scheint bei den irischen Geistlichen nicht besonders hoch im Kurs zu stehen.

"The award is a further reference to Father Ted. Football does not seem to be particularly high in demand in the Irish clergy." - Google Translate

Another salient point from our German friends. Also, it's just great to see Father Stack on here.

Richard Sadlier spielte Anfang des Jahrtausends für Millwall FC und wurde als vielversprechendes Talent gehandelt. Kurz vor der WM 2002 verletzte er sich an der Hüfte und musste seine Karriere beenden. Sein einziger Treffer für die U-18 Nationalmannschaft Irlands ist jedoch bis heute unvergessen—dank dieser Fahne.

"Richard Sadlier played beginning of the millennium for Millwall FC and was touted as a promising talent. Shortly before the 2002 World Cup he was injured at the hip and had to end his career. However, his only goal for the U-18 national team of Ireland is unforgotten-thanks to this flag today." - Google Translate

Saying that Richie Sadlier hasn't played since the beginning of the millennium is quite a grand way of saying that he hasn't played since 2004 but we suppose they're right.

Glenn Whelan ist eher so der Spielertyp Carsten Ramelow. Die Fans feiern ihn trotzdem.

"Glenn Whelan is more like the type of player Carsten Ramelow. The fans were celebrating him anyway." - Google Translate.


Jack Grealish spielte in seiner Jugend für die irische Nationalmannschaft, entschied sich jedoch vergangenen September für England. Im Gegensatz zu den Iren nahmen die Three Lions ihn nicht mit zur EM. Die irischen Fans sind tief betroffen.

"Jack Grealish played in his youth for the Irish national team, but decided last September for England. Unlike the Irish, the Three Lions not took him to the EM. The Irish fans are deeply saddened." - Google Translate

Well, I don't know if we're 'deeply saddened' by Grealish's non-participation in the Euros. Unless that's Germans using sarcasm there? In which case, nicely done.

[Vice Sports Germany]

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