Unbelievable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson
You may need to set aside couple of sittings for this one as it's a whopping 214 minutes long. However this doc is well worth a watch. It tells the story of Jack Johnson, the first African American heavyweight boxing champion.
From a long to a very short one, this great Irish documentary takes a look at the career of Mark Rutherford. The former League of Ireland player discusses how he dealt with racial discrimination, his time at Shelbourne, Birmingham City and the like, and why he still is playing in his 40s.
The film has been made for FARE this week.
The Fit Finlays
This is an absolute excellent film from OJO Productions about Dave Finlay, a Northern Irish wrestler who is now semi-retired from the WWE. While it features his story heavily, the documentary gives a great insight into the wrestling scene in Ireland, and during the Troubles in the north.
It also stars our new favourite wrestler Rasputin, the Mad Monk, who for some reason decided he'd do his interview while topless. Sadly he passed away earlier this year.
What are the best sports documentaries you've watched? Let us know and we'll feature them in the coming weeks.
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