Sunday Independent columnist Paul Kimmage has launched a stinging tirade against Barry Egan's four-page interview with FAI CEO John Delaney, which appeared in that newspaper's 'Life' magazine today along with an accompanying documentary, 'John the Baptist', on
Kimmage begins speaking about the issues affecting the FAI from the 41 minute mark, and tackles the relevance of the Sindo piece from around 43:40
Are we missing something here? Have we just won the World Cup? Was the stadium rocking on Wednesday night?" he asks.
You've really got to have a strong stomach if you're going to pick this up (the Life interview) and start reading it. It's just amazing stuff.
You'd imagine that the journalist would raise some contentious issue or the problems of the Assocation but this is a complete snow job.
Where is this coming from? Who made this decision? Why is this important? Who is John Delaney that he features so prominently in the paper? I don't get it.
Irish Times columnist Malachy Clerkin added:
"Who is the audience for this? Does the great Irish public really know or care or want to know about John Delaney?"
Kimmage praised Egan's work as a celebrity journalist but questioned why he was assigned to this task. Have a listen here.