Adidas should find whoever designed the Man Utd 1992 away jersey and give him shares in the company if he/she doesn't have them already because they have made them a lot of money in recent times.
Ever since the club's fans sort of collectively agreed that the jersey peaked in the early 90s, Adidas have been finding ways to incorporate the design into modern releases, the clearest example being the current away jersey which has become a bit hit with the supporters to the surprise of absolutely no-one.
Ever since Man Utd rekindled their union with Adidas the 'Originals' line of clothing they have released each season has gone down a treat, but this year may just be the best as they have redesigned the blue 1992 away jersey into a tracksuit top that will make every United fan weak at the knees.

But wait, there's more.
The 1992 design has also been incorporated into a practise top that is also outstanding.

There's also a blackout version that looks like a dress in the pictures but on a human it looks far better.

There are even shorts with the 92 design worked in too.

And last but not least the training-top that the players will be wearing pre game has the retro design on the interior of the hood which is a nice touch.
Again, the blackout style appears to be really popular at the moment.

More items are expected to be released in the coming weeks, and if you're a Man Utd fan it's going to be hard to resist.
All of the above are currently available from apart from the blue tracksuit top which is set to be released in the coming weeks.